Last night I took a trip up to Alki Beach (West Seattle) to catch a free concert at The End's Beach House. If you don't know about the Beach House it's a pretty sweet place. This being my first time I was new to the joint as well.
Basically the house is open from 2-10pm everyday. DJ Jordin Silver is On-Air from 6-10pm. Stop by, get free food, drinks, sometimes beer (21+ of course), or just chill and play Xbox 360. The best part is they have FREE concerts with good bands! Last night the band that was supposed to play was Ours. The only problem was they didn't show.
I actually had a great night even though there was no live music. Jordin Silver is really awesome and I'm glad we met! She started DJ'ing with the station in March. You can catch her on the radio M-F 6-10pm!! it's a good listen so check her out. Jordin, thanks for the free tickets! You rock!! You can get more info about Jordin from her myspace:
The next big show that the Beach House will have (and this band won't bail-out) is President's of the USA. It's gonna be sweet so make sure you go to Alki Beach on July 22nd.
One of The End's "Mod's", Read. He works for the station...some job sitting in the back room playing the guitar :D Next time you're at the Beach House go to this room and you'll see how I took this photo.
Below are a few photos of some local kids hanging out. They are the official "Whooooooo" crew when Jordin Silver needs background cheering!
This girl's jacket zips in-half. I had to take a picture!
JS (I'm gonna start calling her that for short) scratched a song and put in an immediate request of mine :) YEAH YEAH YEAHS - Maps.
Before I drove home to U.P. I stopped by the beach for smores and vollyball.
I just love the circle right next to the marshmellow! ...the fire is alright too.